Monday, September 15, 2008

Palin and Islamophobia

Palin wants to draft kids into the military to fight the big bad bear! Remember, we have to protect democracy worldwide! Even if those democratic leaders beat up protesters on the street and close down opposition media!

Muslims want to kill us with their jihads! Even though suicide bombing has been used as a tactic by communist and nationalist groups worldwide, it's strictly an Islamic thing! Them Mooslams must have taught those commies! But in all seriousness, you want to consult a bigot like David Horowitz for a documentary on Islamic Extremism? Please, please, please, consult someone who has met with these sort of groups such as Chris Hedges. I was watching him on an al-Jazeera English program about the roots of al-Qaeda and Islamic Extremism and he really knows what he's talking about.

BTW: I don't really read the Huffington Post, but this caught my attention on Islamophobia Watch.

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